Sunday, December 12, 2010

My New Digs

Bon soir,

After a late night of goodbyes and conflicting emotions about the end of my study abroad experience, I moved into my hotel this afternoon.

The first thing I did of course, was take pictures of the room to share with all of you! Then, I checked my internet access and had to go back downstairs to sign in to the network. After the internet connection had been secured, thus securing my connection to the outside world, I tore into my lunch and watched most of You've Got Mail on my laptop. I fell asleep 10 minutes before the end but woke up and finished it before taking a shower. I decided that it would be a good idea to turn on the TV while I ate dinner, but found that the only channels in english were CNN, BBC world news, and some snoozetastic weather channel. While I love the BBC I didn't feel like watching news so I rented Inception from iTunes. But alas, the download began and it said it should be done downloading in 18 hours. I accepted that I'd just watch it tomorrow when it finished downloading, and I popped in Away We Go. Let me just say, I love all of John Krasinski's roles. This is him if you don't know who I'm talking about. (From It's Complicated, The Office, Away We Go, etc..):

Here are the pictures from my hotel room:

P.S. I started writing this around 7:30 and it is now 10:52. That's how long it took to upload these pictures.

I was thinking I'd post about the Catacombs, but I think I'll do that tomorrow downstairs in case the internet is better down there.


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