Hi everyone,
I thought I'd take an early-morning study break to show what this week looks like for me. This will also explain the recent slow-down of posts.

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 2 hours of French in the morning
Tuesday: 3 hours of class after French
Wednesday: 2 hour essay final
Thursday: another 2 hour essay final
Friday: Our 100 page research papers are due. These are to be synthesized and turned in by midnight on Friday, but as of now, Wednesday morning, no one in my group has finished their sections.
Next week:
Monday: French Final
Tuesday: 1 hr presentation on our 100 page papers. Our teacher has told us it needs to be entertaining and creative.
I am so frustrated with this teacher. Everything that I just wrote out on my schedule, with the exception of French, is for ONE class. He didn't have to clump it all together like this. I went to bed at 2 last night and woke up at 8 to study, so got 6 hours of sleep last night.

Last night I had to call the RA on the room next door. Seriously it sounded like they were having a house party. I'm not sure if I've mentioned them before, but they're St. John's kids and they just moved into the dorm a few weeks ago. Since then they've kept us up at all hours of the night- there seem to always be hoards of people going in and out, and they all talk really loudly. I had to go over there at 3 am a couple of weeks ago and explain that I had a train in 4 hours for London, and I needed to go to sleep. When I knocked all the noise stopped and they wouldn't let me in until I said I was their neighbor.
Also, the girl I mentioned awhile back, who speaks like my New York U.S. Open Ben & Jerry's co-workers is always in there, and you can hear her talk from a mile away.
It was 11:30 and I knew quiet hours started sometime around 11, so I went down and told the RA about the NU kids' finals schedule and explained that "normally it's not a problem, because they do this all the time, but this week is important and we're all stressing out." (I made sure to say that it happens a lot). Five minutes later I went back upstairs and they were quiet.
I went to bed at 2:00 am and woke up at 8:00 am to study more.
Honestly I can't complain about that because it's enough to function normally, and I'm up now writing this at 9:45 am. My final is at 12:30 today.
We have another "health and safety inspection" today, so yesterday I swept and sponged off our sink.
I better get back to studying,
P.S. The illustrations in this post are from the book "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day."
Hi there! I really enjoyed reading your blog. The photos are hilarious and i recognized them immediately. I'm sorry you're having such a stressful week. I hope your noisy, rude neighbors behave so you can get some rest. Looking forward to seeing you soon in Spain.