Thursday, December 2, 2010


Hello there!

Wow. I can't believe December is here already. I was drowning in so much work that I completely over-looked that when I wrote yesterday's post. This year has gone by quickly. I've officially spent over 3 months in Paris, and my time here is almost up!

I survived my first two finals and my research group is looking just about ready to put our paper together (due tomorrow at midnight..). I'm 2/5ths of the way done with Hell Week!

I've decided I think spanish is a sexier language than french. It's easier on the ear.

Today in french class we all stumbled into class half crazy and half dead from lack of sleep. Luckily, our teacher recognized that and she was really easy on us. After a large chunk of class in which our minds were working really hard to keep up with our surroundings, we all became ridiculously giddy. It was that "I am too tired to function" kind of giggling that doesn't go away easily. Here is an example:

We were talking about names, and our teacher said that for her the name Leslie is a girl's name (we were talking about Leslie Neilson Tuesday because he passed away this week) and that she was surprised he was a man. I was trying to say, "Pour nous aussi" (for us too), but what came out of my mouth was "pour nous tambi....pour nous aussi." I was about to say "pour nous tambien" which is half french half spanish. Someone noticed my slip up and the entire class was howling for a good minute at least, including the teacher. I was pretty sure it wasn't that funny but watching my class collapse into hysterics was funny enough so I started laughing too.

After an hour and a half of learning "-ire" verbs, during which the only way to get us to look alive was to have us write on the board, she pulled up youtube and showed us famous french songs from the 60's and 70's by Claude François. She had us all singing along and dancing by the end of class. It was our last class before the final, and it was a great way to end it. Plus I left feeling much happier than when I entered. How could I not have? I had 3 ridiculously catchy french songs stuck in my head!!

After today's test I vegged out for a little while and watched The Biggest Loser episode from Tuesday. I finished my section of the paper this evening and decided to celebrate by drinking hot cider and watching A Muppet Christmas Carol.

Don't judge me.



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