Saturday, September 18, 2010

Inside the Mind of Hillary Quinn Epperson

¡Buenas noches amigos y familia!

Tonight, I thought I'd give you a peek into my thoughts. I quite like being in my head, sometimes it's amusing up there.

This afternoon (after Indian food) I came back into my room and spent a short while working on my applications. Around dinner time I walked over to Bon Marché for some dinner to go, and then came back and rented Erin Brockovich on iTunes. I'd never seen it before, but in the movie (and this doesn't give anything away) Erin's youngest daughter says her first word.

I found myself wondering what my first word was. So of course, I texted my mom to ask her.

"First word: Duddin." She replies.
"No, my first real word." I said.
"I don't remember, I have to check your baby book."
"You don't remember?!"

I sighed and continued watching the movie. Half an hour later I got up to take my food out to the garbage. (To empty your trash in my dorm, you have to walk down the hall and into the main staircase where the larger garbage cans are). As I was walking down the hall, my mind returned to the 'my first word' dilemma.

"How can she not remember my first word!? I mean..who doesn't remember that? And how can I not already know it!? How can I fully know who I am without that piece of information!? It probably says 'Duddin' in the baby book too. Shoot. Well..if I grew up in an orphanage I guess I wouldn't know my first word. Yeah, like Anastatia. But wait..Anastatia was probably still living in the castle when she said her first word! And I bet her Grandmama remembers it. I bet even Demetri remembers it! He was living in the castle then! But wait..they're the same age..Demetri definitely doesn't remember it.

"Hillary...Demetri is a character in a cartoon. You should stop before this gets even more ridiculous." And then I giggled quietly to myself.

And there you have it! This is what it's like to be in my head.

Tune in next time!

Love always,



  1. You have way too much time on your hands!
    What's with the spanish? Where's your french?
    love you,

  2. ok Miss Hill,
    No sure that we need to get inside your head-we are fine sticking with the today and now!
    It would appear that your trips to famous places is providing you with some valuable insight into French life and culture both past and present.
    So you are eating out more frequently rather than on campus- even more exposure.

    Take care, stay safe, and remember we Luv ya much.
    The "G" Parents
    Today is our 51st wedding anniversay-weeeeeeeeee!
