Thursday, September 30, 2010

Bed Bugs- An Update

Hello friends!

When we last left off with my bed bug problem I had just woken up from a nap with bites. It ended up amounting to 6 bites, including on one my eyelid.

I changed mattresses and changed sheets but woke up the next morning with 4 more bites. After that I bought a sleeping bag (from Au Vieux Campeur) that I've been sleeping in on top of my covers, and haven't been bit again since that second time. Yesterday morning a specialist and the dorm manager-guy (I don't know his title) were in here to check it out, but I was in a library tour and haven't yet heard the verdict. My refund request (for sheets and sleeping bag) was rejected because they said I'd been offered to sleep in an empty room and had turned it down, wanting to switch mattresses instead. It's true that the dorm manager-guy offered for me to sleep in an empty room, but that sounded A) scary, B) unnecessary, and C) like a hassle. Plus, that wouldn't have solved the problem of my bed bugs quickly, which would have left it possible for my roommate to get them as well.

When I met with him that afternoon, I showed him the bites along my arms and his first response was to look at me skeptically and say: "Bed bug bites usually come in threes.." He then proceeded to pull up google and he googled "bed bug bites." What we found didn't say anything about them coming in threes, and the pictures looked exactly like my bites. He assured me that he would get it taken care of immediately. I asked him if that meant that night, and he said no, because everyone had gone home. This was Thursday at 4pm. It was then that I asked to be allowed to switch mattresses and he told me I could just sleep in an empty room if I wanted. I preferred to sleep in my own room. Monday evening I received an e-mail from the dorm manager-guy that told me he was sending in someone to look at the problem Wednesday morning, but that he doubted it was bed bugs. He also asked me to not say anything about the possibility of bed bugs to my other dorm-mates so that I wouldn't scare people.

Here was my response:


Sure, Wednesday morning is fine. I appreciate your taking this matter seriously. Although to be honest Jean-Christophe, I don't know how you have any authority to be able to say that it "does not seem likely that it's bed bugs." After two nights getting bitten (including the new mattess), I've purchased a sleeping bag to protect myself. It's working so far. Could you please put me in contact with your supervisor? I intend to request a refund for costs incurred due to the bugs.

You are absolutely right, bed bugs are a serious matter and I don't intend to keep this knowledge to myself if, perhaps, someone asks me why I have switched mattresses and am sleeping in a sleeping bag. This is something other students should be aware of.

P.S. There was a cockroach on our floor this morning- in the hallway. Just thought you may want to know.

Thank you,


I have a meeting with him tomorrow afternoon, maybe then I'll be told the verdict. Until then, I continue to sleep in my sleeping bag.



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