Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Frustrations From a Sleepyhead

Hey there!

Today was a long day.

BEWARE: This post may be stranger than normal due to lack of mental alertness.

Last night it took me forever to fall asleep because my roomie (whom I adore) was still writing her paper and had the light on until an hour and a half after I went to bed at 11:30 pm. I really need to find an eye mask. My friend told me she has a felt one that doesn't slide off her face. An eye mask was something I should've thought to pack..wait..I did think to pack it! Then I decided it wasn't important.

Anyway, my alarm went off at 6:52 am and I unconsciously turned it off and woke up to my roommate's alarm at 7:00 am. All the public health students had morning classes today (on Wednesday's we usually get to sleep in because there is no French class on Wednesdays). Our class started at 8:00 am. Our guest speaker gave us a 7 minute break at 9:40 am and then we continued on until 12:15 pm. It was straight lecture..most of our classes are. We then had class with our entire program from 1:00 pm to 4:00. All the kids from my program are mentally dead today. Dinner was pretty quiet. We're all tired.

I'm doing my laundry right now. We have two washers and two dryers. The laundry room is located at the end of the second floor hallway, on the side of the boys rooms. So to get to it, you have to pass 6 boys rooms (it's the St. John's boys). I can always feel them looking at me when I walk past. It smells like deodorant, axe, and sweat over there. I had two loads. As I was putting my first load into the dryer, I heard music turn on- it was Soldier Boy blasting through some speakers- and it was really loud. I resisted the temptation to start dancing in the laundry room alone, just in case someone walked in suddenly. When I went back upstairs I walked past the speakers sitting on a chair in the doorway facing the hallway. The boys in that room toasted (don't ask me with what, we're not allowed to drink in the dorm) with the end of the song as I was walking past. When I went down a little later to switch loads, the music had switched to latin music. I smiled and resisted walking with some hip action.

This time there was another NU student in the laundry room. Now, I've had a few negative run-ins with her since being here. She isn't aware that they were negative interactions, nor do I think she knows who I am. But we have had brief conversations and she is very abrasive and rubs me the wrong way. In the laundry room she'd taken my clothes out of the washing machine and put them on top of the washer. They had to have been done for maybe 3 minutes, max. That didn't bother me too much because I've done it before to other people, but usually it's at least half an hour after their laundry has been done. I do understand however, that we have only 2 machines. What did bother me was the comment she made about the music.

In a mocking tone she said, "It's like a mexican fiesta down here." Then she added a snicker. Should this have bothered me? I don't know, from what I've heard come out of her mouth in the past, she seems to be exceedingly conceited. It seemed to me that this was a jab at the people living on that floor. It could also be that my feelings towards her cloud my judgement, and that I am simply assuming the worst. Nevertheless, it immediately reminded me of something that happened on "The Bachelorette" last season. On the episode, a guy named Roberto showed Ali how to salsa dance. One of the other men vying for Ali's attention said later to the camera (in a heavy southern accent) "I was a lil' upset dude I mean..Roberto did some.. hot-sauce dance or somethin'."

Comments like these bother me.

P.S. I just walked down there again to take out my last load from the dryer. I found my clothes on top of the dryer, and I found her just beginning to put her clothes into that dryer. Which means- they'd been done for maybe 30 seconds. When I looked at my clothes on the top of the machine she said "Are those yours? They felt a little wet.." Then I said "Yeah those are mine..hmm." Then as I seemed frustrated she said "I didn't touch them I swear." I responded "No worries, I understand."

But riddle me this: how would she know they were wet if she hadn't touched them?

I'll leave you with that as food for thought.



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