Thursday, September 23, 2010

Goodnight, sweet dreams, and don't let the bed bugs bite!!!

Oy ve,

Not again.

A couple days ago a girl on my floor was complaining that while she's been sleeping she's been getting tons of mosquito bites. They were all over her arms and her face. I doubted they were mosquito bites, but I didn't know what else they could be...other than the mythical bed bug (which I know exists but to me it only existed in super gross conditions..or back in the days of straw mattresses). Oh..what a fool I was.

I just woke up from an hour long nap with 4 to 5 semi-itchy bites along my arms. I know they aren't mosquito bites because the only thing close to a mosquito I've seen in France was a monster mosquito/fly/dragonfly thing floating around my room, and a little green mosquito looking thing. I think it's bed bugs. The maids are supposed to wash our sheets for us every 5 weeks. My plan was to wait for the 5 week mark to get my sheets washed. The problem could be one of 2 things.

It may be due to the fact that these sheets are super hard and aren't cotton. They don't breathe at all, so even though it may be really cold in here at night, I sweat like it's 100 degrees in here without a fan. Even in Bolivia the sheets were cotton. They only gave us one set even though we were told "linens will be provided." If I'd known they meant "we will give you one scratchy old towel and one set of puke pink sheets and we won't clean them for 5 weeks," I'd have brought one or two extra sets. And my cotton twin sheets at home are pretty! The pillow case they gave us doesn't fit on the pillow we were provided, so we can't use it. Thank goodness I brought my tie-dye pillowcase from home so that I could have a little piece of home!

Moving on to the pillow- this pillow is not new. My guess is that it is 3-5 years old. The material inside has formed into clumps. If you lay your head on it, it is flat as an envelope within 30 seconds.

I think the bed bugs are either because I sweat a ton at night due to these sheets made of who knows what, OR because this pillow is ancient.

Sigh. Laundry costs 4 euro (2 to wash 2 to dry). There is no guarantee that I can even get an empty dryer tonight. I don't want to sleep in this bed with these sheets tonight.

Love a very perplexed,



  1. Hi Hillary,
    Sounds like some red flags need to go up pronto re: possiblity of bed bugs- that is totally unacceptable!To whom do your report this?- a NW laision? Parents and students should be up in arms until this is resolved.!!
    Try to stay focused and we will be and are hoping for the best.
    Take care, stay safe and remember we luv ya much. The "G" Parents

  2. Bed bugs are everywhere. The best way to get rid of them is to wash your sheets in hot, hot water. You don't have to do anything for them to appear. They feed on our blood. Get some new sheets and check your mattress...that's where they live. I saw on tv that some bedbug
    people use very cold spray to kill them. They haven't found an insecticide that works ..yet.
    Get a plastic mattress cover to completely incase your mattress..get a new pillow and put it in a plastic cover and get new sheets.
    GOOD LUCK! Love you. p.s. sheet should be washed every week!!!!!
