Friday, June 11, 2010


Hey guys!

I was able to load a couple pictures of my room today!! This is my room from the side yard, the actual house is just to the right (my room is not connected to the house). Outside of my room is where people hang their laundry on lines. My entrance to house is through the kitchen. That is about as much as my doors close- they lock from both sides but don't shut all the way, which lets in bugs and such. I'm probably going to bring this up to someone soon because everyone else's doors shut all the way- and most of the other rooms are inside anyway.

This is my room. The white triangle in the bottom right hand corner is my wardrobe sticking out. This view is from my doorway which leads to the side yard. It's a nice size for the summer and it has everything I'll need! bed, desk, chair, wardrobe, nightstand, and trash can.

I'm going to post soon (maybe tonight) about my visit to my volunteer site, public transit, and my journey to find a lab coat.



1 comment:

  1. Great picture! I'm glad you're planning to insist they put a working lock on your door. Grandmama said you should insist or request other accomodations. Can't wait to see you in your labcoat. I'm anxious to hear about your first day at the clinic. Your courtyard is adorable! Perhaps you could find a floweing potted plant to ut outside at a local farmer's market. It looks peaceful. Love, mom
