Thursday, June 17, 2010

Oh Hell No

Alright, so as you all know, my room is not connected to the house.

It's next to the house, probably 7 feet away. It's location behind the bushes brings to mind a tool shed. As you all also know, I do not like bugs. In my first week here I've found a small spider, a large bug resembling a rolli polli, and a cricket in my room. Spread over 6 days, and that isn't too much to bear. Then this afternoon, I found another cricket that also looked like a very small centipede. After I killed it with my hiking boot, I tried to forget about it and move on. About an hour ago I noticed another cricket/centipede thing on my wall (where it still sits right now). It is small, so I tried to ignore it. Then, as I looked up from my computer screen, I saw a big black spider the size of my palm, right above my door. This was the last straw. It was moving somewhat quickly so, after I brushed off a small panic attack, I ran out the door and as luck would have it, my only male housemate was walking right past my door. He killed the spider and I immediately e-mailed my volunteer coordinator to request to move to another private room in this house as soon as one opened up.

At this point I was having extreme difficulty sitting on my bed and not looking up toward the walls of my room every minute. It was just as I was writing the e-mail that I saw a much smaller spider near my window (which doesn't shut). I killed this one with a shoe and a wad of tissues, and finished my very dramatic and pleading e-mail. Then I decided it was time to call it a night and go brush my teeth. I also asked my housemates if they ever had bug problems. Which of course they didn't, because as my Canadian housemate put it, "we live inside.." I solemnly walked back into my room and decided to spray my doorframe with Off Deep Woods. As I turned to look at the wall, ANOTHER BIG BLACK SPIDER CRAWLED INTO MY ROOM FROM A CRACK IN THE FRAME. Oh Hell no. It was like a scene from a horror movie. I felt trapped. I couldn't leave because the spider was huge and was on my door. I waited for it to move to my wall and I ran to the kitchen semi-hysterical and got another one of my housemates to come kill it. By the time we got back to my room, it was gone. You'd be wrong if you think that would be enough for me, I had her check behind the wardrobe and she found it and killed it.

I decided to send another frantic message to my volunteer coordinator just to make my point. I also might be sleeping on the couch tonight if I see one more thing in my room.

Love, a very traumatized,



  1. Hill,
    Sorry about the bugs! Keep calling/e-mailing until you get a real room in the house!!
    Love you,

  2. Hi Hill,

    I just found your blog- I'm also sorry to hear about the bugs- Grandmama is right- often the squeaky wheel gets the oil. Hang in there.

    You seem to be doing quite well adapting to your environment (I suppose your Mom gets some credit for that :-) ). I'm proud of you- and I look forward to reading your blogs.

    If you have time to Skype sometime, let me know.

    Luv U,
