Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Health & Safety, Midterms, and Macarons

Hey lovely people!

It's almost Halloween! I watched Hocus Pocus on youtube in celebration the other day. No, this post isn't about Rennes. This is a super quick post because I have a midterm tomorrow I need to prepare for and it's already 4:15!

We just had a Health and Safety Inspection of all the rooms in my dorm today. This is the second one we've had so far this year! It must be a catholic school thing, good lord. Northwestern never has Health and Safety Inspections. If you want to be a slob that's your business! The first time they did the check they came right as we were waking up, then all they did was peer behind the desk and declared us fine. Anyway I came back from my very stressful midterm (one hour to write a minimum of 5 pages on the differences between health care systems) with a small bag of sweets from Bon Marché.

I like to treat myself to something nice after stressful exams. After the GRE I bought myself a tee shirt from GAP, for example. Last week Le Bon Marché got its Halloween candy in! They have a special stand for the candy. On that stand they sell cool looking candy, but the coolest thing is what looks like a dried corn cob. What you are supposed to do is put the corn cob in the microwave in a bag they provide for you, and microwave it. The popcorn pops off the cob into the bag!! How sweet is that?! Anyway back to what I was saying. I originally wanted to buy the super cool looking specialty Halloween chocolates, but they were too pricey. Instead, I bought two small macarons (one praline, the other chocolate and coffee), and two chocolate balls that look like Ferrero Rocher chocolates. I was all ready to sit down and enjoy, until I walked up to my room to find the dorm manager guy and the RA standing outside my open door taking notes. I walked in and sat down at my desk, waiting them to either close my door, or say something.

They came in and handed me an inspection form. They wrote us up for having a dirty sink (due to dried toothpaste), having a full trash can (isn't that what the can is for? To fill it?!), and they said that we needed to sweep. Sweep! For goodness sakes. This is absurd. This place doesn't even have a broom! All they have is a small hand broom that is as old as dirt and one vacuum, both of which you can only rent out at certain times of the day, on certain days of the week. They said they'd come back Friday to check on us, and if our sink situation isn't fixed, they may fine us at the end of the year. We have a midterm tomorrow, my roommate leaves for Spain tomorrow evening, and I leave for Portugal Friday at the crack of dawn. The room isn't even as messy as my room at home used to get. They left, and I didn't even want my sweets anymore. I ate them anyway, and they were satisfying.

Who has seen the bedroom intruder remix video of Antoine Dodson? I really feel like telling them; "you are so dumb, you are really dumb, fo' real."

And you can run and tell that! Homeboy.


If you don't understand that reference you need ask me or mom immediately so we can direct you to the appropriate links. You are missing out on some good laughs.


  1. ok Miss Hillary,
    You know me- I have to side with adm.and can see the need for health and safety cks considering the fact that students come from all over the world. Just think if they had not taken you seriously with the bed bug issue. At least they are making the effort to maintain order.
    Remember when in Rome, do as the Romans do (smile). Take care, enjoy Portugal, stay safe and remember we luv ya much. The "G" Parents

  2. Hi Hill,
    Clean the toothpaste from the sink and sweep.
    Hove fun in Portugal and "be careful out there." ( A quote from the series Hill Street Blues)
    Love you.Grandmama
